Friday 6 January 2017

makanan sehat untuk bayi dalam kandungan

archaic pretend that great care of aparade at the part environment that it will require anadult barrio regularly written by a car rental i'd on we'll hear from a great deal between theinvestor mobile but first i want to give you can in facta bout of food that's becoming more important than ever these days that foodis nutritious parking market the delicious economical spread for breadmade by credit so here are a few simple fact that mayexplain why thousands of american families are using for kmart and threetimes a day

at the table and four cooking who park is a wholesome vegetable margarinemade from carefully selected american farm products park a marker amid a highly nourishingfood one of the best energy food you consider and a reliable year-roundthoughts of important vitamin eg party at the margin of page sodeliciously good its flavor is delicate and appetizing it entirely differentfrom all time margarine one-in-three will prove that to you dole for all these reasons gotacquainted with economical parquet

margarine now tomorrow outdoor pool dealer for parquetph are gave a wide parquet margarine made by crack mattered the yet the knowledge jointoffer in the great builders please refined animal and applaud recruitmentof a man with recall cornball body full photo four balls and they'vefour and a half pound of bacon fat while outdoors jack rock has been preparing alook at the price for it wide the would from all wrote on on

removed on he for in is reportedly road roughly not now i'm not what you want it i don't see anything go away who rely taken away happen what rerouted like he did allover everything

with locale greater somebody dot com dot usually snowing eww pecan tree vic thirty days after converting fromhuman fore old dot like your attitude your no one october by that was not knocked over to theblizzard of eighty eight inadvertent anyway perfectly

and capital would not be creatingsunrise we're not great doctrine and not by ideas with humble mygoodness but water pipes of green that plan and apply in water commissioneri've been accurately may be available program whom edwin people that we know when we're on on ourbathroom anyone other than that i thought that practically right i wishyou wouldn't dragon even putting troops who early in the morning for welker outdoor stand there staring at me goodoutcome i'll be right now

celebrating to keep popular he he i come back a few months i don't have bought with a for what wecan plan ahead if you give your portal dipti grandmother red white and blue ready lawrence leopard calories all the parties we were did

bombing more profitable mark the twenty fiveyears happened it i think i mean i'm going to be here for you throughout your credibility outside allgroup infinitive practical floundering are complemented rather not part of itand they are more women with that are not ben bradlee likely take a look atthe moment of it would probably agree on the market called it will have to dosomething about this

and while you're up my vietnamese dotwould you modeling brought them out of line and nobody really we go on to thebrought me bring in combined with and i do meenu army arrived at my house i'm going to call a plan and right nowthe cold war ice cream everone not well kit for terrible on young man if i want to be to commit mcclanahan he will be in

find water commissioner he is you cantell my schedule the condition is not expected in the day there's anything and the most part thepontiff only on guard that there will be right back out and befine startled him and betty nectar ready if you have anyqueens with a credit arora wedding you'll remember that youhave no but that was last year last year we were planning on it

nicole is a little more to it nothing difficult to understand i thinkyou'd be very good at thank you anybody who did you i was helpful overtook daylight comes into it if it is not allshopping well that that i don't know how to learnthat the admitted that he had that will give you a call for a minute i want to speak to you about that but iremember to read it last year the body lead yet and i decided at seven

the minute i got out of our completewith a baby where from bad to be proud of that uh... this is seriously this year we got a few the temperature twenty seven sixty fivedegrees network olympic cricket match they've yet buy what they are not onlyall blue would mean a burglar that men are not allowed to note that the factthat i won't let me ask carmel right on comparable worked up about that i hadno comment self-pity and different things

everybody ought to do more than fiftyfive degrees whether their creative or butler laura traders liberty not bath uh... remember that the government of all that it helps afew ready the way to do it this to all the temperature down sixty five degrees besides sixty five is warming up foranybody if in fact more had none nobility join the polls didn't keep you from falling asleep atthe brew it is a that if the government

that but i think that we would that be but i don't think the problem couple that with the word or not therewere a group of corporate irony balloting and print corporate photobrother that we get in the inflation mailing now the pentagon volga titanium all quotes leroy for you on the dining room table looking verynice white guy hi embargo if they're going to let themand let the dollar fell inside the car

unpatriotic out yet i'll drop the and it won't work on youralthough i don't like everyone can confront the call for light yellowworking all right orkut cannot map in the morning taking accountof one hour worked well it was well i did was acompany convenience river had to give up our convenientlyright movement there is no to be enough oil togo around as well why were burning coal

doesn't have to come so far so it'seasier to get my blanket maria man you want to help in this war to which ido they let me like telecom will will the i think we all want help but i'm too old and going we're all inyour career that's gotta help of the only way we canundoable every time you carry out a lot of nyou're in the fight as much as a nickname peninsula you've heard how doyou have in the morning here at a

blueprint for the field have had a young man bubbled frock morton get up off theadvances countries really all-out dad on their campaign inside that car deteriorating uh... itroom between beginning to come up but whatwas going to do things and around more finances what was most couples really but i believe that this cold snaplast three days will be on a cold i better call upon orders fromquarterbacking here

through my goodness could have done thatbefore my peers hello if somebody accordingly however nicole delivered my accountantafternoon it a week that the fine where our whole country what your name plan let it go at me when you get a rocking watercommissioner you spend all your time

peddling gold what are you as we are fine andelectronico delivered my opted for the day is over if you have to bring it up bread or whatever or my partnerarticulate water commissioner my pipes freed up i'll sue you uh... if i told him so

walking didn't know you come up dam like that and i thinkthat relating to use my peers between britain mine whitley road we don't have nothing tograndma of the present today maybe i added a little bit that didn't happen tomorrow don't look like you know of

i wonder if you got any details of it illinois democrat he's gone i really couldn't panama i would havebeen converted be terrible for that terrible they've been converted at the end of thecold though that would be just ban world forbabies you got hold of malpractice limits haha all along there was no man in the houseand

you know what you ought to have wall is dole some fireworks maybe i'll call upon orders dot i thinki find out what the battle for though that's a great idea might be i thoughtthat might help find out okay thanks to the vietnam we're goingwith a with my own appeared is right by the fact you know i think i'll figure if you pickthe fire pathetic fatally flawed leroy running bernardprior uh... might have to put it on my dad will you my dear not very literalhell group

however that if you don't mind you don't have to put on a better way tochange long straight elliott week that network alegria karl rankin or whether it will do whatever i don'tknow of or it knowing that there are no warm up with agrand the great builders leave will be with ustogether in a few seconds noontime

plenty of energy is mighty importantthese busy wartime days for hardware u_s_ import hard play energy comes from the food you beat soit's important that you know put food provide the most energy now one of thevery best energy food you consider and one with economical to installationsparquet margarine made by credit that's a good thing because parquetmartin is a three-time today's sort of important food energy park is a grand tasting bread for breadrolls of film at breakfast lunch or dinner if the real flavor shortening forthinking better tasting pastries cakes

and cookies parquet his friend for pan fryingthrough because it doesn't fatter or stick to the plan and decide furnishingenergy every pound of parquet margarine provide nine thousand units of importantby the way sold why not give the lations economical parquet margarine of pride inyour household remember it parquet the area are k_a_d_y_ parquet margarine

made by crack marin a the the rule rule now let's goback to the great deal this week because of the war for the with a rentalstore where we're going to be made but gallantly i commit to bring you up to estimates ifyou're up to our heart nearly came over to make sure that they are great and asan upbeat note though that i have not gotten lol did approve it i'd rather have a lot about uh... activewhy don't you get the homepage adopt a kitty on how you were

the poor good morning content it the different power admirable acting track more use it afphabitat dot blotting deathbeddreadful wind won't let me take nothing for them allow me to hang in there yeah well

garden fluid three oh five play bummer i think the vote off on that iraq if they're going to integrate themwermer practically every other kind of brought a hot water bottle in case isabout getting bad dvd the danielle powdering blackberry court jester

i can't deborah humidity fuel if you knoweverywhere didn't really think about that anddidn't work very hard and honorable not by thank god that parallel here that are renewed noton our nevada on everywhere and and waiting for you everone building it with them i don'tknow how to he'll probably not a problem will platinum adaptable founded background ofthat war i have an anchor i haven't

called if you have medical now okra i don't know i'll tell you what to do you're going to come over to my houseyou could have lunch n dinner with us and spend the night it wanted to put your are that right nowproblem and airline february antonio good currentlylanded he will some parents and i think i had a and former president clinton is

he turncoat you're wasting yourgrandfather part i haven't had any rumors i'll be there that if they are realized at the u_n_r_u_ or probably did you hear that technically asking for review that uh... the hotmail through no all right with me right now i don't knowthere are lab influence chapter three of us

article but i quit art and long hair dot martin you think about that here at the old i did all right away to cover a lot of at all but uh... here packet

about alright via youu noted that the that cannot happen i got a hell of a kid make me feel like getting into over other coppola let me let up for it hotmail athletic are for me i can'tbelieve it was one think como hop on out no that's right output apparently not jeweler alberto dinner outgo i wantto get cracking up

and what with all pass you won't like not great backyard i dot happened a little bitearlier but i don't know hello but i'm glad you ok although iwon't do what he fell in plant hall the nutcracker known and we can begin by theafghan a day horrible oracle dog vietnam event wanted i don'tlike uh... painkillers because in my life right there

and card caroline o'neal perot hold on your winding you'll call kardrop mountain and yet you defined by the five did you get more even lying therefor hours would be going all might not be rolled my ankle the aroma crater anduncontrollable village where i go down to the packet immaculate volume heart of the full weight of that weekimmediately give me the at calpoly cargo

over your own break right now the amount of your ankle youknow it we had to buy the only uh... huh all unit you profit memory dalvi rumors your retrieved it pvd now the judge thinks there's somethingwrong with that i'd like you had to take a look at itand give you a juror extra depicted e-ticket

anchorman yet at all we have racked up doctor were with their so in other words you think it's allright went very well either well what would you agree with israeliforeign with me and therefore reconfigured foryou recruited permitted alright you got a light and attitude

notary public nothing when really alright impolite just let me get it up is there anything wrong with that isaccurate there remember that the t_v_ anything youthink they be used against you one primary defective you're recoveringin the end of it you are an i_q_ rivalries pero i knowyou can say they're but that's all remember were hanging were there

you couldn't be any more of yourgovernment are he that truth judge but brother is reporting now shock not but i mean i think thatthe mother down time about it noted author opened i think i get my tree out back car market at it and their parents ride work program that we have butrelative and i think there's my dear the

print out the kid back to look at if you have been wiped out by vented on any of them are right now mine afterthe nine th without that nine hundred rental andfour nagpal uh... theater barry i can drive you home yetbut i put my coppola block that are ideally i get home and not perform anyhahahaha backup dot com

pointing out that i thought for a while bank building profit and caroline land i haven't gotten about don't youdon't have a yahoo com the uh... i couldn't hear let me know admittedthat dog back to you they're not without campobello that'llbe my friend the mambo i hope it will not done well it will take the thatnight in new york the mom think-tank thought nothing oldwooden last month and uh... doesn't

really phenylalanine very natural hanging around it probably get up there i'm amparoadmiringly designing your room bladder handed back to the backgroundhere and is electrical and here tonight one quilt admitted because really if you require and put an electric the that your fare well that except one it the daily healthy elaborateeverything in our little brown from of

where in there do denied me but goodnight hotmail do you feel you knowi'll be detected knocking and there are here they aregoing to go to you on the wondering p have early when they do i hope i dream about it then app or alright over let's get a bit

bakers house and i'll take a look there's not going to play i thought that and good night and please do me a favor with that thosesmaller than ever dealt laugh out that i i have outdoor work before i go to bed makehere there you're never going to uphold i am not

but i know that i think it prior to theguy that they have added a jail every week he brothers i turn a light out now here uses d_o_d_ critical kathleen volt breaker like itor not get a bit old cold well isn't that awful loring already users with it

hookers got me imagining things probably in the stomach hooliganism nobody in the stomach come on gil you've got to be a hero gotta go down and faces we're we're over or or approval and i think therecovery when he met with them right over there before when i'm ready for him when he comes toallow him with the colour

group at the top quiet quiet he stopped growing who was very calm do all the pattern hit harder and prac k coming something i'd like to fit all either we were lucky here in summerfield we hadan early cold snap before the real winter set in reminder to get ready forit while there's still time i don't know that there's going to be ashortage of fuel oil this winter and you

probably also heard people say thatthere's nothing bullet but a lot of talk i got the bill from the governmentmisses it ninety five percent of the fuel oilconsumed in the east used to be shipped by thank now we have to ship arora by rail it takes two hundred eighty thank triesto carry as much oil as one ship so you figured out for yourself we hadn't got enough pankaj to carry allthe oil-rich needed for anywhere near all

there's no shortage of oil if theshortage of transportation that's why the government is telling youto convert your furnace to cold if you can that they're trying to keep with moreinfo that we got a defense will get going right now and do whatthey're telling have are heating plants check inflateour housing put on weather strip anything though for a few if you haven't got the cash for it if iwere from the f_h_a_

it's really an investment not only in improving your house andkeeping your family comfortable and healthy if you'll get some of the backendsavings on their fuel bill and you'll know that you're doing something theydon't buy me a navy win this war if that doesn't give you enough of a blow tokeep you warm throughout the winter remember it's going to be a heck of alot of colour in russia that might lead filtered from broadway veteran carefree there butnot all from three of another very for

their part of all i don't think of a place to startapplying main data that's available to mac macaroni addition forever throughplayers from registration i go to the people here at sunbelt movable for two days of the coming from fortynine year many review should know about padta you have passed up the deliciousvolunteers poured about hundred attributes tapped out of the various specialtiesboredom anyway

assets like surf only please spread sowe had a late if grampa responded to those left fat that mouth of one false move wasyour performance virtues profit all kinds of coffee addiction absent of nourishing pro at the parkenergy for the rich and royal blue freedom front is added to death so far cup on past atmel europe would berather than the distinctive romp our pocket if parents that p nbsc dash a_t_t_

preferable refer for them to you for allfrom review program red scare from hollywood birthever national broadcasting company rule that sas means dishes factories company will also bring youbecause they have been very thin ice presented with this time help areas thegreat goddess leave written by on weight really have a great deal this leavinjust a moment likely is not you've all heard and reada lot about markedly you see margarine is a wholesome spreadfor bread our government recommends in

our national nutrition program but if you haven't tried margarine forthe last few years you'll certainly be pleasantly surprised when you tasteparquet margarine the delicious vegetable margarine that's made by crack parking margarine is made to the samehigh standards of flavor and quality as craft other famous food product our case labor is so delicate andappetizing you'll be probably uses as a spread for bread of labor shortening forbaking

and for pan frying to just drive onceand see if you don't agree that parquet margarines delightful satisfyingflavored is just bound to please and another thing parquet margarine provides importantnutritional elements vitamin k and board energy we need everyday soldon just ask your food dealer for margarine asked for parquet p eg archaic a wide

parking margarine made by crack knowledge to an old friend repealedasleep who has been carrying on a few recently with the water department two weeks ago he got up a petitioncomplaining about the water pressure but all the action he got out of commissionof one man was a large hole dug in his front yard which has been there ever since this morning we find it with thebarbershop where he's gone to carry his fight to the people while floyd takes alittle off the side matt

gesture i'd told him time and i'll giveyou exactly twenty four hours i city you get that whole picks up isaid fried on him i want to go past some of them when he said he said you don'tpay a bill of sale of the water as thailand was just i said the press isso low now with no difference i said go ahead and turn it off askedalums what to do that he turned it off we've had some and what i can do forwater alternative media next figure lol i'm just finishing up mystill asleep will be met

subject of local fee good morning uh... hello p_d_ i'll bedone business with them received them so too opposed that we had last week misterboom things for you wouldn't you know there are a lot of calls people all overtown coughing and sneezing unit there were resilient and very informative andsoda from farrell u well things are bad

and what's yours government's going to take everything wemake over twenty five thousand here anyway i'm not going to kill myself is puzzle i close up not builds body dotblotting or you know while group look excited at the north animal i don't knowwhen to rolls of company in rosa picketing that sounds nice personal megive me a little of that might put someone was to keep the in theindian eleven iced comment on it and she was repeated

clinton timing return on the mississippi thewomen's movement in springfield plans already for a cut on the wanted ally t_v_ well guilty actually here feeling prettygood it pretty good about what i think the way i feel about planningand i could be arrested don't tell me you have heard heard whatplanning internet he quit eastern in his resignation last night so that that is now that waterconnection it it was a bottle water

committee report planning and quick too iraqgate and you deserve all the credit forgetting that well now i wouldn't say that now as you do you got a publication marcyle although you did for you decided adamantly credit for that you know i cansee that unsigned started on

we object i haven't yet received here's theweather seconded he gets the craft the course until we are talking about thewater commissioner now articulate no who'll all come don't be modesty what doyou mean use your head who is the obvious man for the job if you think it is plant well actually yes efficient yet so i wouldn't sayanything about the town councils meeting

tomorrow afternoon picnic jeremy's justformat the judge i don't even know that what the job i mean i hadn't eventhought about anne before they get this thing off of a team wait a minute agoand uptime user documentation old at cashmere hair only small never took more than fifteencents perform ekta you know some people will be leaving theu what he means it that you can fool some of the people some ofthe timing you can fool some of the people of attack

jealously pulled himself booming meticulously isn't going to beone of the region but don't tell me you fell apart to be eight yeah manana some people believe anything but i think mister gilder stream andmake a very good commissioner less that can do it what do you think i had resigned forwarranty holders must indicate green the and the hardware evans brothers plumbingbusiness yes he also has a son in law basically supporting a recalls apple youwatched

after tomorrow how does that will behard to make it more stuff big and nothing like it is nothingreally jim did not particularly they've becomeideas armor if sit down you get a financial blow i'm quitealright i think i will sit down though dude not only might be eleven doing withyourself on what kind of long one

and of it will likely have a little piece ofnews boyd u_n_ leroy deliveries we'll be back in it is the official yet but judge walkersays is practically in the bag waiting muje how would you like it if you're a littlecommissioner of the waterworks eta level

still not as wonderful as all that indian union dead minister kalimantan so proud of you can public service has its compensationthank you yelling unlike any be were commissioned anduh... on the right to know i'm not going to be wet condition pat

people are i haven't the faintest ideawhat they see a man and for the more i don't care i've been asked to serve the communityand i intend to set up to the best of my ability on one of those days yes great stefan honolulu gin and unlike anyonecommission anything bad not bad listen to it yet i have cannot company

when you have to work hard and then haveto think embraced me using this market these days yet and even on but my factions happywith him and i can stansted that makes no difference plot and now you've got to get the car you kathleen and i think he'll still beanother day but this is my best to switzer only issue

alike and where more than once with thetime and you shouldn't have to go to bedevery time you have a test you're going to be a busy man area right there might be you know ithink the thing that doesn't signal does need the worst athletic commission intown know over the well-dressed man today is the man with police inspectors is the man was shot in the elbows met a few weeks you i mean they haveelbow due to the i think dot blot burned to a group of maybe rightly it'll haveto be for the duration

and then i think that i have the supportof method included and uh... what with a one with a photograph of the they don'thave a profile hurtful things hahaha a goodly arrive at a uh... a littlepress but we're overlooking things today until i think i mean we thank you with there's one thing for us remember all of you know this is notofficial yet cannot afford to anybody thirty will not work

himadri modeling the now online now legislate this jacket on for sizereview commission and it commissioner helpless as the publication yet of this is in the congress and i have inmind i thought maybe something like a kind of way something more official one-sidedpathways out and government regulation mailing list kindly bungling young ladies not quite personallywouldn't be caught dead and more

is of how about something double-breasted dotblue maybe with the construction of all i'm sorry but double-breasted surroundto the regulations of well just let me up a nice law involved oliver that there's a nice piece ofmaterial i like that but let me try that one alcoholic macular at when you areany is it benefited i hardly get like a suit i think i'llstick to divide don't like to make sure that

but presently commissioning uh...commission and i'm getting w stupid advocate lately woman while the other way now i'm out of money hi to looking glass top how can i help i'm looking six differentways wants and we look at it you know thank you may he it's an it's what did you bad credit now call it like that and ithink that night uh... r_e_m_ william i

knows it now do you mean i fix my never mind thesmile take a picture all that but elected you deal with the a friend of asickening telephone line anthony how do i havebeen a lot coming out in the middle what would i do with the group don'tanswer that not backing down thinking idoney briefcase ql

would then have locked in politicalterms they i guess that's right behind me and declining with that does anyone it's the all this money out of time to colonyknown william d commercial market i was planning to invite you to get toknow i'm having pride taking is all mine i'd love to missus ransom i'd love tomeet with them unfortunately my time is not my ownthese days manhattan and candidly loan rather

now i'm sorry the lead pressure of official visit you know i think i could bring him using sudden i'll be back uh... dot not an eight dash ofactivities and i guess she shouldn't be wasting our time with me will lead you don't understand there's something i want to tell you buti i can't just yet

haven't always confide in me mom uh... thank you it has to do with a man it has beenuppermost in my mind for the last few weeks caps about chapman well i can tell you thismuch important decision is going to be madetomorrow admit that my homepage that would be

i'll give you a little bit think of water lots and lots of water thousands of gallons a minute you begin to understand unite where regular slave will be with us again in afew seconds if you're upon your nutrition a_b_c_ he's you know how important vitamin andfood energy off

as we all need food energy and vitamin a they're both mighty essential to goodnutrition so you'll be glad to know that andeconomical source of both these food elements is delicious the wholesome spread for bread that'smade by crack yes parquet margarine is one of the verybest energy food you consider and throughout the year every pound ofparquet margarine contains nine thousand units of vitamin a making it one of themost reliable year-round food sources of

this important vitamin besides in flavor and texture parker isentirely different from old-time margaret you'll agree after one tried thatparquet is the mud run the taste so deliciously good sold tomorrow sure ask your food bealert for a pound or two i'll park aid the a arcade they walked market margarine the notion economical spread or breadmade by crack

but let's get back to the great buildersafter a sleepless night in the mornings and at the library reading up on waterworks the approach is that the eve of his expected prime in a spirit of humble dedication tosurface with a special meeting of the towncouncil only in our off he's preparing a statement for the indicator vindicator read that back to me show you my dear did that last when you get here in this together thingfor me

and it comes to me and completesubtracted yes but i am prepared to say at this timethat i propose to give to this community what was i going to give over yes actually administration team managementand pleases he got that by doing after a preliminarysurvey i feel that i can say without theircontradictions so those cities towns villages analystfrom maine to california imposed the finer healthiest morenutritious tap water to somebody at

thirty percent secretary this and everyone kept thefaith of the bronco spring pocket for which i think the details yet butthe photograph which might be like this they're all terrible is cool i don'tknow i don't think this was bad was likemaking that you have a mustang co perhaps there is a resemblance i can'thelp that they didn't loaded i can't decide

i think it's between this woman thepounding my fist and the one where i'm pouring a glass of water it maybe that'sbetter for water commissioner that little tying up their good bad stuff too remember levis cd just yet don't have anybody else insist on givingit to mister potts although printing together

are you going to get around to take yourstories out gosh i don't know that identity busy lately i guess i'm goingto be a lot busier going rock well water commission is no part time job you know what i can as a matter of fact yelling i a m went to speak to you about that uh... iwouldn't say too much about that that you will i'm keeping it quiet but i wanted to know horses i'm gratefulyou for watching the reoccur wait a

minute now i didn't do anything at all iknow you organize he'll send again somebody put in a good way for me to thetown councillors i wouldn't have got disappoint you know they're all i want to say asyet i hope i'll get a chance to do as much for your sometime i got here everyone all the years we've had a lotof straps to get a horse when you come right down to it and i'dgo to bat for you anytime and i know you literally you prove that

we should listen because that isestimated that i can show you some pictures yellow statement i get up to theindicated that you gave you know the son of a speech of except i said about it with my putting on mygoodness to make a carbon copy that might react like the silicon chipsinside that you want to feel the company you haven't sent it to the paper alreadyadvice i would make tomorrows addition at the same time as the announcementasap i don't know how to see this delay

i blame myself i really do i wouldn't count on that might lead tomy children because you don't stand a chance ofgetting but you said recite means i know i knowwhen i could bite nighttime opera doing it now i never thought the chicken seriouslygetting nothing original lateness sainsbury canberra

fund a library building you'll excuse me uh... i guess so here that those screens catapult downside mexicano you're right you're absolutely right

let me know man i hate myself believe me i wouldn't have done this how did that happen for the were greatsomething about it you got a card hideouts we've got to stop me but if iget to the paper that statement sounding comer cool although i think that's it

daytime we're almost there right down the row yet add hat my brother with the man cap i think i have not time sounding like a lucky jim tabulate rightnow i'm going into the attic outcome

with don't know what you've done enough right breaking yes please power company right skating in two thousand two i miss you guys need me belly laugh develop developing these reply nonothing's going from here when you read it

yes i've read it i want i don't think i have missedopponents it was mistaken it seems to be selling brownbrothers know very much newspapersin needed one even just trying to do the right thing every time he was going to be appointedone technician world

i thought nobody wanted to be very holdsout carried through all of that has just what's wrong with this town is it's voluntary hold apples are not people in like uncle mark uh... trying to give up and get out ofit and said what they can plan to it review it now taking both of them he's a good time

anybody would make the best watercommissioner some of the other day it means a lot to learn electron gun these changes in the middle east is about it needed in a way to do it you know he got the petition all byhimself annoying all of our fifth go to sleep with her and i think something away identity you want to help me you want to overcome cults

all-access pass current will be meeting all over townhall right now was never let me will let me in are the press become all i'll get my craft leroy when i think of the compassaaron's i've sent you on adolph few of them you managed tocomplete successfully why did you have to deliver the goodsthis time lives really didn't you tell me if i know what you owe on me when youdo things like that

the up and i face these people have anight businesses ransom how can i keep a speedy what am i going to do ringgit gardens this is no time for quicksand sally'syoung man like that yet but i know i could do i could join the army service in my country uniform they couldlaugh at that markham i'd subbu i look like a million that uniform innineteen seventy may look like no

good afternoon sergeant lieutenant though side is this going to join the army that defense this for yourself for afriend myself helena list for immediately all receiptswanna see the world why don't you try the navy lieutenant amit kapil it by

i think i committed to the navy captaini'd like to join a i see i've totally missed it at five peight-man injury two thirty gross and net that's in my shorts we recommend that you have a made amistake the irony mal they did a

allowed to vote at a lower rate regional members of sergeant barbecue what's on your mind i'm thinking ofjoining the marine corps policies in active service order well there's a longstory my nephew suggested the eye but the army suggested the navy in thenavy suggested the marines jury how bout you think you could consider meremembered remember there were ruled what we'll consider the nephew all

what mountain tonight live there lappy that levy in forty four out well unofficial that hypnotic idea you know leroy i don't suppose any manever thinks of himself was old even when he's eighty

i realize that today for the first time are you're not old doc good mileage left here uh... they don't want men like me leroy it's the eighteen and nineteen year olds intended for it in the back doors is a young man's war in the young man'sworld uh... turn myself in prescribed ron dot com talk like that all

i hope donald just let me let me justtake note let's play matalin use you're going to i want to go along rather stay here when you come in then affect that property electric didnot have known not just now thank you bernie is not the you might leave a dirty perhaps wereally would like these brookline

gilded nothing brady everything's fine all their bargaining power not i think you will had too much i think that what was givenup brian call that came uh... bruno baby shower one and one rewrote it don't seem to her about that

you know the army in here my dear world alia there that they will thecongratulate information that is the commission and to thank you for thatlittle statement is a of that depending on the line and stand really determine com barely a dozen of the medieval towncouncil my blood report your appointment went through without a single dissentingvote you meet i don't mind telling me with the powerof this means a lot to me it means a lot

of some of you model of the indicator that it would besettled at your lip actually got a in the hands of water level provided water commissionerwidowed that's what it is about these the old-growth he wasn't so far wrongwith that you know he said i was the obvious manfor the job all you were uh... well you think so toowill certainly the only other candidates of contractdispute or completely

how do you think you are going well you're admitted i guess i'll take my book debate with meblock anyway out ed the lives of the president's i'm going up twenty minutes i'd just wanted to confirm an impression i have a distinct recollection that in eighteen seventy four williammckinley was water commissioner buffalo

be the denied everybody girl track one composer pod five date what could be more satisfying for themain dish about mail not part of your favorite macaroni and cheese yes tender macaroni drenched in she isgood

it's filling the treasures an easy tomake a deal used pads that the delicious golden she's buddha bar hundreddifferent uses is a perhaps that is just right for cookcheese dishes because of not so smoothly and blend right in with other pple adds that is equally useful forsandwiches and snacks because of slices and spread so easily and besides being full of life is cheesegoodness pads that helps provide important for values for your meals food energy milk protein the milkminerals calcium impulse for us vitamin

a and had stepped out of the mall you'll find hundreds of ways to use padsthat for now rushing time-saving meals so server often your coding or has it and i have beenaround five package just ask for parents that the i'd be esti hyphen heat-seeking pad step but delicious golden geez whowould have a hundred years this program extra from hollywood thisis the national broadcasting company

presents that great parsley dvd the coming along on regulating bloodeverywhere and i agree that a great deal of time out there and the breakdowndisplayed five john wayne we'll hear from a great deal to slaveryand dustin i'm sure you all know the stahleverybody has pitched in since last december seventh working harder thanever before no it didn't take as americans long tosee we have to work to win yassin hardwork burns up lots of energy

energy that has to be replaced by thefood we eat so i'm sure you'll want to know aboutuphold some energy food that your family is sure to life that food is delicious parquet margarine the economical spread for bread made bya grant and it's one of the best energy food you conserved one small park is areliable year-round source of important vitamin a yes parquet margarine is mighty good foryou and you'll find it's mighty good tasting too

park is the margarine that taste sodeliciously good you'll really want a service seoul tomorrow ask your dealerfor pounder two our park aid the a_a_r_p_ air why park in margarine made by crack wow now let's join our friends a great dealdoes leave moves fans this morning on the threshold of a new career he comes down to breakfast with thespring in a step in the light inside for this is the day of his inaugurationas water commissioner tom somerville mad

we now he mentioned that objected morning slaves might reallyright good morning on all without proper emission tests on dot try to make it and uh... thank you my body on tuesdaynow note rates now auckland l_a_ leon assistant by my place in those days

you got no though that was sweet of youmy dear i really really pick these polls you can't move altamonte pretty making welcome waffles of brady your psyche yet but i thinkthat might be that they need to go along improve what things ready werent there could be left-handed here for the united whichyou think that what my degree wet it was a blow it well and then ifound that there will do whatever that

might make for better you believe you stick to one and then i found the glove the oppositeone round the world to yet unless you don't understand bernie always trying to get to panic and and and and don't think you're a single among blackhawk war but uh... i spent a very interesting andprofitable evening myself last night layout to prepare for my new posterswater commissioner i think the

encyclopedia debate with you know i've found some things in thereand everything you before on your probably desperate hot probably looking up among one ul margin reports to be a surface iscovered with water real even if you want to talk among ruffledthe way he has said three fourths of the earth's surface water what do you think of it whitewater

there's no such thing as too much water waters very important to ever stop to think young men werecolumbus within without water and all of that i guess given high and dry in you and i wouldn'tbe here today you wound up in geography you don't have talking yankee juliaright that enables waffles a ready i am water yes water is very important peopledon't appreciate water yet you great

you know what james watch couldn't haveinvented a steam engine without knob is that that absolutely is not going toadd some i cannot walk on the minds of the rightto demand and it was one of the most important things in the world do you think robert bull invented a steamboat eighteen oh sevencould have done it without water with clinton erie canal eighteen twenty fivewater partially on the part of you water balboa the pacific water the monitor themerrimack water

did what he brings more water not a lot elections that yeah aka how do you havetoday whose we antennae and adequate well i guess all that's alright withgreat thanks i don't use that kind of a hot date for a hike golden jubilee college but i think a lot you'd neverthink of the middle of october which is where we usually get one layout spell mydear inviting way speaking of heat you know how many days a camel can goout water and thinking of what happened

what do you know what time he told mydad was happy doing i can't believe the first day of the job not like that what uh... thank you my dear calling it tied purpleit is ma'am when i get to the right my pocketbookit's just a kind of uh... let my like a lot of commission thankyou and i did you often thank you

that when something no i was justwondering fremont one it was a water commissioner to moon identified viewed my name is better i can't even tell it's an effective another late and lightwell what do you think as it came out when we see section uh...thank you and then bring it here but you know uh... nazi you've already got one

i guess some other and there's alwaysroom for one more if for any all that much of that says that becausei just i think that in the world uh... my baby died in the world i'm notbitter anecdotally had court shot my management based on your backnow did you know the cubic foot of water waysixty two and a half hours or meticulously total t_v_ anonymity at the value of this i'd like some seduction

yes we can pick you up mr girish reviewrepeat you you are different yes the perfect shall take three have you been do given not-so-good a and i'll tell you what to do you wanna drink more water reform yes everybody ought to drink morewater the troubles of this will be eliminatedp_b_a_ peoplebank more water wednesday then

it's true you could take almost medicines you gotthere and bottom dollar store for all of the building what that's okay what a great tenneco glasses of everyday maps and runner one testing the will follow you i'll tell you something peavey you knowthe human body is ninety percent water union absolutely ninety percent water

mhm don't fear and we should think in amoment i don't i know i give you pete actually been taken the lead and how much is that thirty cents andone thirty-one company that uh... you know i have anne don't want to leave you with theimpression that i have anything then water meticulously usually taken with him you know ownersvintage pvd sila right all right

duty might change i'm late now you understand that did not believe in moderation p dotmoderation went behind would move on gay pride we could you tell me where theoffice of the water department is in my hand and see where that theme in amoment of only as much of live of and it's my name to if you gave made on the dollar naveed water department proc morton p gilliganneed uh... no no no i'm just admiring

your work living like maybe better to live in suggest one thing and beijing maydislike it maybe you could do that day alone a had no fault of undertaking it's a spelling is another easing dealers sleeps withdon't tell me this is the way he gave it to me but i have eased the way she gaveit to me and that in the piece of paper i dot on a piece of paper to my birthcertificate i don't know about that

uh... this the way she spelled it you got any complaint that they come upwith a user yet boli admits involvement in montana evenmarried one all battling declined we'll soon see who's running thisdepartment can i get to hear goldschmidt now madam adding take a look at the moment

excuse me if i did not get involved anda metallic after that i'll but i don't know how i definitely will set up anapplication you don't understand my needs all the best i believe that eightpercent extended addiction look who's this law department act like it a deposit of two dollarsthat will be deducted for their first month sales might be a woman do you seethis tower balkans little you witness politician side

you see that name prop markham p_p_o_'sleave that's me a local company meticulously the thankyou you'll probably have to leave iraq the managed to lay out here small but cozy at eight o'clock i've said it wastotally maybe i'm wrong without meeting to decide fell fivemistake though how do you do myspace i think that if he had a lot of the topof the necklace today

associate manager audio today o national your every corporation anything you want me to the following had been up against the backdrop dotblots inevitable that some of other i don't want to now crazy of myspace just a moment it julio caesar in the picture there eva appeals first water commissioneruh... if you can do the

funny-looking on complies made that he happened to be my copy you uh... yes i did a picture probablydidn't do injustice iraqi old and i think uh... at this stage don't leave me alone in here and and you'll get out of the firstthing about this it what do i do yes now that i'm commissioner should notbe doing something at the crack and

never did he all expecting to be theyalways suspected plan ahead of that and five eighths against the i said thisis a fact that affect the lives of the within the magnetic nature although ithink in the next year but he says happy birthday to you wonderful it's just that well defined commissioner i think i'llbe doing something it going over the vehicles or something relative i think iknow that night idealistic at the beginning of a list of the debatewith delete

that you mean people who haven't paidtheir bills so that's had a look at that and i wouldbe fun albanian naked weyrich westfield actually do youthink defeat cast serenade especially look at how to get it i'd watch interstate highway explanation judgingfrom the right place what he wants to make peace with anything i want to know why am i what i wasturned off of that would have to look at it as

atwater turned off a note and what itwas turned off i'll have to take this up but i missed it filing for is about asap before i send out analystssay that you don't have to put on the second inthe stock market which is kinda what status it's side pure and simple notdoes there is an ounce of spike my whole nation in you know you're just likeevery other small-time politician image left already start making it anduse it appears and show you what's wrong with you get this mean you are

willpower last week last tuesday januarylist of people have paid their bills i can uh... if you are not just fifteen cbit link with jen you're accusing me and i think that bill is going to sleep such thing as well i don't remember i'mnot accusing you of anything judge let's look at the record okay might have been some state not without amyspace i mean it might have slept merry merry of starting the crawley betsy

eat amp deep here the ages in los angeles name let all the rest with eleven dollars and eighty six ext satellite misfits act like meticulously and and not inspections i thought the on medium lol k explains no judge the eleven dollars maysix and six planes

get somebody over there and have a waterturned out right away when you're glad to determine if you can matter of fact yelling at him nakedjohnnie saturday explode tell you what have you out therechecking the mail monday said we'll be glad to resume services and as wereceive it here and i know that may go down whydon't we can decide and it's got to be on the line you know my credits guiltyit wasn't oversight inside at this is a public office and i propose a decidedwithout be repeated

especially when your concern all regulating i cannot protect this bra laptop the old building itself the lesson you mean that you say it again this weekabout dole payments for anyone choice and that is absolutely they don't pay up sell-off water they call

mailer event had a look at that place candidate hedid indeed man did it do you live in this field isleaking the great gilda slave will be with themin a few seconds if your food budget has a way of gettingout of line these days don't despair if your results for your find good manyfoods that save you money yet meet your requirements of flavor and nourishmentto one of these economy food surely iswholesome parquet margarine the

delicious spread for bread made by crash using parquet margarine is one economyyour family is sure to approve they'll really gulf war parquet isdelicate appetizing flavor when you say it is a spread for bread or role they'll appreciate the extra flavorparquet adds to baked in pan fried food besides parquet margarine has aneconomical sort of important food element it's of wholesome nourishing energy food and every pound contains nine thousandunits of important vitamin k

yes you can economize wisely when youuse parquet margarine so why not give it a try and yourhousehold tomorrow sure ask your food dealer forparking p ay arcade anyone archaic ahmad romance made by crack and now let's get back to the greatuniversally after a light lunch at the idolatry shop he returns to the town hall ready topitch in for a good afternoon for laaa

that you take saturday afternoonsoffices not network to be done assisted i like to see that you think so news piano i was thinking during lunch misfits alot of changes about being made around here facing up it's not about makingwhat do you mean that some people in your office people women you'd womennothing too what idealistic daniel

lysette having women dot here now buddies ears it's just so strong hotmail but to wait a minute meeting andwhat's going on here picked up a lot of fun you want more that often gentlewoman's tax dot blots because a catholic church then it'ssimply practical of units

red desk and ask why that is for fatherout there pillow-like vet portrait goes i go marketing sheet on the right out that contact them left that look at that were to describe itwon't take on on them did not uh... thank-you notes fun comcustomizing i think we all that insane clown

canceling a stock market held asmaterial at this hour between i'll be right back home in but icann dash afghanistan sound and then when you are that's not how i think it's just this group mentality completed this add up misfits

kiddo activities have been listening tothe candidate hit your head having and see what daisy uh... allies did you know not toremind these it yes indeed is n missus ransom of yours do stool papers this sounds fascinating mr tan etc cases not uh... layout

all glad to welcome you subscribe route hewitt out with me sold happy going ladies in this case was so u won't you collaborate goodbye greater levels of europe is to go tosleep let's talk a little yes he's a fine gael ninety

who's the sees it and the family policies if m yes a neighbor of ours maneuvers right next door well i'll tell you what i drop aroundgorazde loosely that cigar if you don't mind if i if in some of thethank you and suppose you wanted you have your saymister parsons the new broomsticks please i propose to get rid of all the deadwould mean efficiency here andrew on

this department without fear or favor that's fine stimulus leave i'm glad tohear that but i think we'll be there was somethingelse in mind lysette as ever for a deal with the guild asleepat the rose law of the style offers a few people opportunity sabotage sabotage by george i never thought state highwaygoes right for the you know might be the easiest thing in the world he did get tohave a car so yes uh... try to get something doneabout garden you know that the other day in and actually on the street

with a very suspicious exclu it's about five thirty i was coming over there and i don't know he just lookssuspicious so is that so well i finally got charlie gatedinshallah gates the to complete is coming out of the reservoir fashionable above the ground and ithought you were too busy maybe what problem and i'll get my hat the rightwing his fist

if anybody asks for me i'll be out ofthe reservoir hot on second thought anybody ask don't tell it's a military secrets you see how easy would be chief abrahmin expand here the roads in twenty feet from the reservoir i know that youdon't have to counter that just a question of manhattan's upperportion of the labor you'll recall the world is a will expire what do you havea lot of watching limits at the time and for paramount he's right for five months of the walkin the reservoir where i can see it

hold has that dot then she onstage and got the car the running for you'll never catch uh... all climbedover milwaukee dried it out actually cried he's got a can you imagine thatpolluting the reservoir camellia ten years of at least certainlystill listed as a penalty for this has arisen one already states on the the make

but they're all kids on it had beenswimming swimming workflows on him bone effing couple means your engine young man this is the policestation missus was known as the cleats correlate here like dancing achieve himself doesn'tknow yet he's going to look up the law you deserve to be locked up

it wasn't my fault you'll be having kids and and that's no excuse that you know line people drink that water do you realizethat lujuga like to do with them yes i did i guess you did

you are no better than that all of thewater at this time of year anyway someone who you didn't freeze riding back so i think commitments though there are no dairy young man thisis a very serious offense i'd just don't see how you do such athing to me my first day in office too what do people think my own nephew

a newspaper say homeland sometimes no flown down on the road happening out i don't know the law is not a capitaloffense but it's pretty bad particularly in wartime dot com dot young man com dot

island with a partner to go to be thepenalty for that seems to be twenty-five dollars find thirty days in jail or boat suit that's ridiculous after all it wasnothing but a place prank all of us he quietly declined so i want to go tosleep i don't make the laws here are just a reminder garcia quite like gates there is a juvenile condor well as a matter of fact we have animage of the report

that's what we're here to give morecases than you dozens of of money to judge ok dvd denied knowing where outdated quietly if the judge others one of my bestfriend steve i'll get my document user telephone right there on the data thankyou dislocated he'll go to how does thisthing straightened out hello john this is the only a little child k

isaac okay they are vacationing down those lowseventies now you will send to gather giant it by the way before mike would get read a little trouble down here now what did you get a rundown permit at the police station and i know it's nothing at all just alittle boys crank bajaj have a heart

you would level here all weekend no no it's leroy not me thanks jags do more hatchet the court is prejudiced turning off the court's water hasnothing whatever to do with this case nothing and i said about carrying outthe parking lot and uh... what i know it's worth it and let me say this judge

i proposed to conduct my office withoutfear or favor i ask your papers and i gift reply i still be pleased pleased to have thecourt's water turned on again news soon as the court days eleven dollars andeighty six and so those and not before if they can't make lightroom two like to point out that explainsbipartisan track here last night i mean your honor

evidence is like a in this case as in so many others that come beforethis court walleye is not at the dollar if hedoesn't mind windows and tested they separateworldview candidates expenditure out of his tender years brought up insuch a big problem and that escape entirely on state walt you won'tgo it's news

you sectors that young man i need you can cost a lot suspended sentence under dvdrw that's being viewed as but now costs itcosts inconvenienced coming down what does that amount of exam eleven dollars and eighty six cents aconcern on my diet did i read i'm gonna have to do something aboutleroy

i've noticed that has been gettingawfully freshly but today he broke the law i wonder if maybe just what it was right perhaps i have to spend enough time witha boy perhaps i ought to get to know himbetter there's only one thing by new mini better that i stand in thehall maybe be a good night everybody domenica next week

chile all the mother calls for a heartymeals even if you have all the time of the world to prepare them that's why it's mighty handy to have apackage of two or perhaps that around yes have stepped the delicious goldenshe is the little box under a different is it's not record all the web of a rarebut souffle is all kind of coke cheese dishes if you use pads that because ofnot so smoothly and blend right in with other folks you like making sandwiches and snackswould grab steptoe because of slices and spread so easily

altogether you'll find countless ways touse past efforts hasty time-saving me nourishing meals to because perhaps thatis a reliable source of food energy milk cody and the milk minerals calciumphosphorus and important vitamin a so keypad settlement europe will be norhas it in the distinctive around by a package yes tomorrow ask for parents that p_a_b_s_t_ hyphen a_t_t_ the delicious golden she's told abouthundred houston's this is the national broadcastingcompany

Sumber : makanan sehat untuk bayi

Monday 31 October 2016

Macam-macam Gerakan Senam Lantai dan Cara Melakukannya

Senam lantai, senam ini adalah salah satu kegiatan olahraga di mana setiap gerakan kita lakukan di lantai, di daerah berukuran sekitar 12 meter (40 kaki) persegi. Daerah ini ditutupi oleh beberapa jenis kain atau tikar yang biasa disebut matras, biasanya dilengkapi dengan beberapa bantalan. Namun senam lantai di sekolah-sekolah di Indonesia biasa dilakukan di lapangan berumput. Meski begitu, tidak ada peralatan tambahan lainnya yang dibutuhkan dalam melakukan senam lantai ini. Rutinitas Pria biasa dilakukan selama 50 sampai 70 detik dalam sekali durasi. Jenis latihan yang diperlukan adalah serangkaian gerakan yang menggabungkan unsur fleksibilitas, kekuatan, loncatan, pegangan, dan keseimbangan, serta manuver lainnya. Seluruh rutinitas ini harus dilakukan dengan ritme dan harmoni, dan pesenam harus bergerak ke arah yang berbeda, menggunakan sebagian besar region yang ditentukan.

Latihan ini biasanya dimulai dan diakhiri dengan serangkaian gerakan jatuh seperti jengkelitan atau jungkir balik (berguling) baik penuh maupun dengan setengah putaran (roundoff), dilanjutkan dengan handsprings dan jungkir balik baik mundur atau maju, melompat, meloncat, dan berputar di udara yang ditumpu oleh tangan maupun kaki untuk mempertahankan sikap seimbang saat meloncat baik meloncat ke belakang maupun ke depan. Antara awal dan akhir, saldo diadakan pada satu kaki, handstand dicapai dengan menempatkan tangan di lantai dan menendang ke posisi berdiri, dan gerakan menyerupai balet, gerakan jatuh, dan melompat. Berikut ini akan saya jelaskan macam-macam senam lantai yang biasa dilakukan di sekolah.

Guling ke depan (Forward Roll)

Dalam senam lantai terdapat aktifitas guling ke depan. Guling kedepan adalah senam yang dilakukan dengan cara berguling ke depan. Untuk cara melakukannya bisa mengikuti langkah-langkah dibawah ini:

Cara Melakukan Guling ke depan

Berdiri tegak dengan sikap kedua tangan lurus di samping badan.

Setelah itu angkat kedua tangan ke depan, lalu bungkukkan badan dan letakkan kedua telapak tangan di atas matras.

Siku diposisikan ke samping lalu masukkan kepala di antara dua tangan.

Sentuhkan bahu ke matras.

Bergulinglah ke depan.

Setelahnya lipat kedua lutut dan tarik dagu serta lutut ke dada dengan posisi tangan merangkul lutut.

Sikap akhir yang harus dilakukan adalah berguling kedepan dan jongkok kemudian berdiri tegak kembali.

Guling ke belakang (In reverse Roll)

Dalam senam lantai juga terdapat aktifitas guling ke belakang. Ini dilakukan berbeda dengan guling ke depan dimana gerakan yang dilakukan adalah dengan cara berguling ke belakang. Untuk melakukannya bisa mengikuti langkah-langkah dibawah ini:

Cara Melakukan guling ke belakang

Posisi awal guling ke belakang :

Ambil posisi jongkok dengan kedua kaki merapat dan tumit diangkat.

Tundukan kepala sementara dagu dirapatkan ke dada.

Posisikan kedua tangan disamping telinga dengan telapak tangan menghadap ke atas.

Setelah semua posisi dilakukan, jatuhkan panggul ke belakang namun dengan posisi badan tetap bulat.

disaat punggung mulai menyentuh matras, kedua lutut harus cepat-cepat ditarik ke belakang kepala.

Lalu setelah kedua ujung kaki menyentuh matras di belakang kepala, tekan matras menggunakan kedua telapak tangan hingga tangan lurus dan kepala terangkat.

Segera ambil kembali sikap jongkok, dengan lurus ke depan sejajar bahu dan berdiri kembali.

Kesalahan saat melakukan guling ke belakang

Dalam melakukan senam lantai untuk gerakan guling kebelakang ini sering kali ditemukan kesalahan-kesalahan saat melakukannya yaitu:

Tangan ditempatkan terlalu jauh kebelakang sehingga pada akhirnya tidak bisa menolak

Karena sikap tubuh yang kurang membulat, Pada akhirnya saat berguling kebelakang, tubuh tidak seimbang atau tidak cukup baik saat menjaga keseimbangan.

Hal yang sama juga terjadi pada tangan yang seharusnya menumpu kurang bulat, atau bukan telapak tangan yang digunakan untuk menumpu diatas matras.

Saat melakukannya kepala menoleh kesamping sehingga posisi mengguling kurang sempurna.

Seringkali saat melakukan senam lantai berguling ke belakang, yang seharusnya telapak kaki mendarat terlebih dahulu namun justru lututlah mendarat duluan. Sehingga keseimbangan tidak terjaga

Bantuan melakukan guling ke belakang

Untuk mendapatkan gerakan senam lantai berguling ke belakang yang sempurna, kita bisa meminta bantuan orang lain agar membantu kita untuk mendapatkan posisi berguling ke belakang yang sempurna. Atau kita juga bisa membuat tim yang yerdiri dari 2 orang untuk melakukannya. Pintalah pasangan anda untuk melakukan hal ini:

Topang dan dorong pinggang pasangan anda saat melakukan gerak guling kebelakang dan membawanya ke arah guling

Bantu pasangan anda mengangkat panggul dan membawa kearah guling

Lompat Harimau

Sebenarnya jika dilihat dari prinspinya, teknik gerakan ini tidak terlalu jauh berbeda dengan 2 teknik gerakan berguling ke depan. Namun sikap loncat harimau ini membusur dengan kedua tangan lurus ke depan pada saat melayang lalu setelahnya diteruskan dengan gerakan mengguling ke depan dan sikap akhir yang dilakukan adalah jongkok.

Untuk melakukan gerakan lompat harimau, kita bisa melakukannya dengan cara sbb:

Berdirilah dengan tegak, posisikan kedua lengan lurus di samping badan, sementara pandangan lurus ke depan.

Tolaklah papan tolak dengan menggunakan kedua kaki yang disertai dengan ayunan lengan keatas, sementara badan melayang dengan tangan yang menumpu pada pangkat kuda-kuda, dan pandangan dipusatkan di depan dekat tangan.

Tolaklah sekuat tenaga menggunakan kedua tangan sementara lutut di lipat ke dada. Lalu luruskan tungkai saat berada diatas ujung kuda-kuda.

Sikap akhir yang harus dilakukan adalah jongkok yang kemudian berdiri.

Hands Stand

Handstand bisa dilakukan dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah dibawah ini:

Sikap permulaan yang harus dilakukan adalah berdiri dengan tegak, namun dengan salah satu kaki diposisikan sedikit ke depan.

Setelah itu bungkukkan badan dengan tangan yang menumpu pada matras selebar bahu lengan keras, kemudian pandangan sedikit ke depan, dorong pantat setinggi-tingginya, tungkai depan dibengkokan sedangkan tungkai belakang lurus.

Ayunkan tungkai belakang ke atas, kencangkan otot perut.

Kedua tungkai rapat dan lurus harus satu garis dengan badan dan lengan, dan pandangan diantara tumpuan tangan, dengan badan dijulurkan ke atas.


Lompat Jongkok

Agar bisa melakukan lompat jongkok, kita bisa melakukannya dengan cara sbb:

Ambil sikap awalan yaitu lari cepat dengan posisi badan condong kedepan

Setelah itu tolak papan dengan menggunakan kedua kaki sekuat-kuatnya yang disertai dengan ayunan lengan dari belakang bawah kedepan, masih dengan badan lurus dan tungkai di pisahkan.

Segera tolak sekuat-kuatnya saat tangan mulai menyentuh pada bagian pangkal kuda-kuda sehingga badan melayang diatas kuda-kuda dengan sikap lurus dan lengan direntangkan, tungkai lurus dipisahkan, dan pandangan lurus kedepan.

Saat mendarat dilakukan dengan ujung kaki yang mengeper dan lengan di rentangkan keatas.

Lompat Kangkang

Lompat kangkang adalah gerakan dalam senam lantai yang dilakukan dengan lompatan dengan posisi panggul yang ditekuk menyudut, yaitu lompatan dengan membuat sikap kangkang tanpa meluruskan badan terlebih dahulu. Untuk bisa melakukan gerakan senam lantai ini bisa dilakukan dengan langkah sebagai berikut:

Setelah awalan dan take off. angkatlah panggul setinggi-tingginya

Tekuk panggul dan bukan tangan dengna gerakan ke samping saat tangan menyentuh peti atau kuda lompat

Tolak sekuat-kuatnya tangan dengan mengangkat dada dan kepala ke arah atas.

Luruskan badan dan rapatkan tungkai sebelum mendarat setelah kaki melewati peti lompat

Daratkan kedua kaki anda dengan rapat, namun denga lutut agak sedikit ditekuk.


Tentu anda sudah tidak asing lagi dengan sikap kayang, yaitu salah satu senam lantai yang bisa dilakukan dengan posisi kaki yang bertumpu pada empat titik dalam keadaan terbalik dengan meregang dan mengangkat bagian perut dan panggul. Nilai dari gerakan ini adalah dengan menempatkan kaki lebih tinggi sehingga memberikan tekanan pada bahu dan sedikit pada pinggang. Dengan melakukan gerakan ini, kita akan meningkatkan kelentukan bahu, dan bukannya kelentukan pinggang. Agar kita bisa melakukan gerakan kayang, kita harus melakukan gerakan-gerakan berikut ini:

Sikap permulaan yang harus dilakukan adalah berdiri dengan keduan tangan menumpu pada pinggul.

Lalu tekuk kedua kaki dan siku tangan dengan kepala di lipat ke belakang.

Putar kedua tangan ke belakang hingga menyentuh matras sebagai tumpuannya.

Posisikan badan melengkung bagai busur.


Gerak memutar tubuh dari sikap menyamping dengan tumpuan gerakan pada kedua kaki dan tangan disebut sebagai gerakan meroda pada senam lantai. Latihan meroda ini bisa dilakukan dengan tingkatan. Kita bisa meningkatkan gerakan secara bertahap mulai dari melakukannya satu kali, hingga beberapa kali jika sudah mahir melakukannya. Untuk bisa melakukan gerakan meroda bisa dilakukan dengan melakukan hal ini:

Pertama kali berdirilah dengan tegak menyamping sementara kedua kaki dibuka sedikit lebar. Lalu kedua tangan ditempatkan lurus ke atas serong ke samping (menyerupai leter V) dengan pandangan yang lurus ke depan

Jika sudah, jatuhkan badan dan letakkan telapak tangan ke samping kiri, kemudian kaki kanan terangkat lurus ke atas. Gerakan ini disusul dengan meletakkan telapak tangan di samping tangan kiri.

Saat kaki kanan diayunkan, maka kaki kiri ditolak pada lantai sehingga kedua kaki akan terbuka dan serong ke samping.

Kemudian letakkan kaki kanan ke samping tangan kanan, tangan kiri terangkat disusul dengan meletakkan kaki kiri di samping kaki kanan.

Badan terangkat, kedua lengan lurus ke atas ke posisi semula.

Melakukan gerakan meroda pada senam lantai memang sedikit sulit. Untuk itu bisa dilakukan dengan membentuk tim yang terdiri dari 2 orang dengan saling membantu bergantian.

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